How This Dentist Crafts $80,000 Veneers For Celebrities | Magnificence Explorers


Movie star-loved dentist Michael Apa is thought for his boutique veneers, which might price shoppers as much as $80000 for an entire smile.



  1. Like my comment so everyone can avoid this procedure:
    1. First you have to understand the anatomy of teeth. As your teeth grow, more of your original tooth surface will become visible and exposed to air as it emerges from your jaw through the years of your life. The apperance of veneers will become more and more visible and they will looks fake.
    2. There are zero health benefits to this, further more you remove your own healthy teeth material
    3. If you need 80k in order to smile, even though most people would envy your teeth (as I definitely can tell this lady had way prettier and whiter teeth then I do), then you are probably better off visiting a shrink, rather than a dentist.

  2. The video is over exaggerate. As a dentist I can swear he is not doing anything different from other dentists. We all do the same things in our clinics. Veneers are costly but that's clearly overcharging. Also role of a dental technician is more then a dentist in such cases. Don't just how him as a hero. Real magic is from dental technician.

  3. Gimmick! And a Scam! I'm surprised why she didn't get her rear fillings ceramic and why mercury. That's disgusting! When she smiles, you gonna see her rear ugly cavity fillings. Who gonna want to kiss her?

    That front procedure should cost under $5,000 or she could of opted for Lumineers or Composite Bonding. Can you see his teeth, it's not groomed celebrity style. It's because he won't do it knowing the risks and consequences thereafter. Porcelain Veneers hurt and you have alot of sensitivity. Look at Snookie front teeth! She never opted to do the bottom PV. Yeah because there are discomforts and sensitivity for life. You can't eat like you use to. You got to eat everything soft and no more hard stuff or else your PV will crack.

    This is why I like some dentists that tell me to not believe what you see on the internet.

    This is bullshit! It shouldn't cost so much. No dentist gonna make that kind of money nationwide. They go out of business! What about the poor and middle class that can't afford these services. Soon these procedures will be sweeping the nation and becoming less expensive. There are going to be dentists that will charge less and not exuberant fees. Unless you from Hollywood! Then he gonna charge you exorbitant fees. We are all going to get old which is not negotiable!


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