Psychological Well being Consultants Debunk 10 Stress Myths | Debunked


Psychological-health specialists Stephanie Cook dinner and Teresa Leyro debunk 10 myths about stress. They clarify why everybody wants stress, …



  1. As a person who has PTSD and OCD generated from it, has lived most of this experiences and coping mechanism (except for alcohol) and has done extensive studying, therapies and practices to help myself I can say that all that they are saying is spot on. I am glad theu find really empathic and wise professionals because I have met a few that are completely ignorant of the ways of trauma or have a complete lack of empathy. I am going to make a few recommendations if you find yourself with PTSD, chronic stress, anxiety disorders or generally have a hard time self regulating. First meditation can be very good, but depending on your experience can also be very triggering to focus on your breath specially if it is a meditation that requires intense breathing as it doesn't soothe. So my suggestion is if you want to meditate find one that focus in feeling the sensations of your body or being present to the sounds and silence around you, that is a lot more soothing to the survival brain which is the one that gets activated with stress and creates fight or flight response and freeze. Two, exercise is a tremendous help, on top of generating a lot of uplifting sensationa it can also help discharge stress activation. A few minutes of a cardio practice are enough and there are a great variety of cardio exercise you can try; like running, power walking, HIIT, jumping rope, etc. Those things are good for handling stress in general. Now if you want to work through your stress responses, stress activation, PTSD, anxious disorders I recommend two things I have personally tried. Of course I go to a psychoatrist and had therapies with psychologist but not all of us are at that level. In general these two "therapies" I am going to recomment are good for all the above. One is EMDR which was extremely helpful whenever I got triggered, working with a professional is a must, but it is also great to have them teach you how to self estimulate your brain so you can work through whatever stress activation you are going through. Is great for working through traumas as well. The next one is MMFT created by Elizabeth Stanley; this is a program that helps to soothe and repare the body and survival brain after going through traumas or having ptsd but is also extremely helpful for chronic stress, burnout, high demand jobs or generally if you are a person that has a hard time coping, self soothing and handling stress. More than anything this course helps you work with the symptons of dysregulation in your system that can show up as physical or mental illnesses. She has a book "Widen the Window" where she talks about how the brain works, how different experience can lead to trauma and her own experience with trauma. She also explains to exercises you can use to start practicing to help your system regulate. Her full program of you are interested is in Sounds True page, at least that is where I am doing it and it gives full explanations on the mind body system, trauma and a bunch of exercises on how to discharge and activate healing and recovery from stress. As an additional note I used to be a biter when I was a kid and my mom bought a "nail polish" that had a horrible taste so I would put it on my nails and in a few months I stopped nail biting. Of course it did not handle the core issue that I was anxious and stressed but it did help to not damage my hands and I have never returned to nail biting. You can put aji (I think in english is chile) in your nails, it will burn like hell and you wont bite again.
    Also, another tip, sleeping helps a lot to recover from stress activation.

    Hope this helps! Have a good day!

  2. I felt like they are leaning toward “I survived, so should you” than “It's actually good for you” on these “ExPerTs”
    Just like sex, stress should be taught to our kids when they are ready or just like physical wounds, it's dangerous to kids than the teens.

  3. Nailbiting had a bad factor of me growing
    I eventually grew out with it bfore entering teen-age but tgen i use my fingers taking out my nail growing and then in college i rarely do it but still one of like a habit(actually a mannarism i should say) now 😭
    I still couldn't help but to tear my fingernails 😭😭😭😭 im a grown up now geez. Idk but i always stop myself to but ugh unconsciously my finger go to my other finger and start tearing it that's why my nails are so uhmm…
    And yeah my left ring figer has fewer than my pinky fingernail😭🤦🏻‍♀️😩 and i hate it but trying to manipulate me to not mind it and evryone been there
    🤷🏻‍♀️😖 Still

  4. I didn't know that vacation are not the cure of burnout. I thought that it would help to alleviate it, but it's actually nothing but an escape to reality. I can't remember when I stress eat but I do know I tend to watch multiple videos on youtube for a long period because of stress and thus making a never ending loop of feeling stress and then watching more.

  5. Taking a vacation reduces burnout because overloaded mind due to overthinking gets unloaded where we stop thinking and worrying about extra unnecessary things which are of no significance. And can focus on important things.

  6. "You don't actually work better under stress, it's normally other factors."
    But also
    "Stress can motivate you to complete an important task."

    Is this an expert piece or propaganda? If the latter, for what?

  7. Im finding alot of the claims coming from these so called "experts" tend to be a hit or miss when it comes to accurate information and more like they just skim through wikipedia for hours and just come to their own conclusions with little to no actual field research. Be careful who choose to believe based on their titles and marketing strategies, especially in this digital age where everyone has a voice because not all of them are valid


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